Panning Map Demo of Display Motion Blur
Panning Map Demo of Display Motion Blur

Demo of fast-panning map, showing that display motion blur can make text unreadable while scrolling or panning. A related demo is scrolling text, which is another common mainstream operation that is affected by display motion blur.

This demonstrates that 240 Hz displays are no longer just for gamers. Refresh rate limitations on a sample-and-hold adds display motion blur, and is why higher refresh rate displays are becoming more mainstream as costs fall.

Pursuit Camera Grid:
Stutters Per Second:
Stutter Size:
- Hz
Per Frame
Per Sec
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IMPORTANT: Close all apps and other browser tabs and windows for best performance! Keep Aero turned on.
*Problems? Check Your Browser. Supported Browsers with VSYNC: Chrome (up to 240Hz+), FireFox 24+ (up to 240Hz+), IE 10+ (Limited to 60Hz).
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